So, you have Good Friday off... what do you do with your day? Clean, do laundry, take a walk? Not this girl! You get in the car with one of your best friends and drive 45 minutes to the small town of Celeste, Texas. Why would you go to such a small town on your day off you ask? Let me back up a second.
My goal is to make it to every capitol building in the United States. If you know me, you know the importance of this goal. If you don't know, I will explain it in a future post. Now, I have the BEST friends a girl can ask for! They are willing to drive 3,000 miles in 5 days to help me reach my goal. What kind of friend would I be if I didn't support my friends and help them check off bucket list items?
That brings me to our journey to Celeste, Texas. My amazing friend Celeste wanted to visit the town with her same name. Instead of sitting on our butts and watching TV or eating Bon Bons, we hopped in the car and took off. Celeste, TX is about 45 minutes northeast of McKinney.
In this small town we saw the "downtown strip", First Bank of Celeste, the City Hall/Police Station, Quilt Merchantile, Boot/Saddle Repair, Celeste ISD schools, the Football Stadium, and the library. It is a typical small town with very few shops, one gas station, and farms! Here are a few pictures:
Downtown Celeste, TX
Post Office!
Boot and Saddle Repair
It was closed...
The Football Stadium in the background
Celeste Schools
Last but not least we saw this really cool stack of Hay on the way into town. We just had to stop and take some pictures. It was such a beautiful day! I love Texas!!