Happy New Year 2015! Another year has passed and it is time to look ahead and make new years resolutions. I've seen so many Facebook posts on this subject (in between Cowboys posts) and every post I have seen is about being healthy. I wanted to go a little more than just "being healthy." So, here it goes.... my resolutions!
1. Healthy Eating - I would love to make more food with veggies and fruits! I'm going to utilize Pinterest more and buy a couple cook books. I'm a pretty good cook when I put my mind to it.
2. Get organized - I'm going to throw out a lot of stuff this year. I also want to sell a bunch of stuff. To do that, I need to go through EVERYTHING! I have a spare room with a closet full of stuff that I have not touched in YEARS! Get ready for a sale!
3. Walk - I'm going to be taking walks every day. Sydney needs it and so do I. I don't have time to go to the gym so why not do some free exercise and walk?? I have a nice walking trail at my apartment and it will give me quality time with Sydney.
4. Use my time efficiently - It's time to leave work at a decent time. Ha! How about we make it realistic... I'll leave Tuesdays and Thursdays by 4:30 and the rest I'll leave by 6... That is going to me that I can't socialize as much at work. How about we make time to hang out outside of the school? Like Bingo, Happy Hours, Movies, Dinners, etc?? It's time for fun outside of work!!
5. Travel - Last year I made it to Disney World... that was it!! I can't believe it!! This year is going to be different. I have a trip planned for the end of February, the end of March, and this summer so far. Where all do I need to go this year????
6. Read More - I've gotten out of the habit of reading and I miss it. It's time to get a little smarter this year and read at least one book a month!
7. Be Kind - It seems so simple. I'm a pretty kind person, at least better than I used to be.
8. Photography - I was given a beautiful new camera by Santa this year and I want to learn how to use it to take great photos! I've always loved pictures and now I have a great camera to get the best photos. I'm going to try to take some classes on how to use it -- shutter speed and other functions.
9. Volunteer more - I want to become involved in my community. You never know who you will meet or whose lives you will change unless you volunteer. My mom was the queen of volunteering. I hope to be a lot more like her.
10. Keep the above resolutions. Hopefully this is the year to accomplish my resolutions!!!