This is a little late but I thought I would share what we did in Kindergarten for Thanksgiving! We have a very rigorous curriculum in my district and we try to make it as fun as possible! We take our state standards and local standards, search pinterest and make it work! One thing that we did was a craftivity using the book Turkey Trouble. I have to give mad props to Kelly Strange for finding this fun project! What you do is you take a turkey pattern and send it home with students. Their job is to make a disguise so that the turkey won't get eaten for thanksgiving! We sent the craft portion home for students to do with their families. At school we did a creative writing project. Students wrote "I am not a turkey, I am ____________. "Then they wrote another sentence about why they chose that costume. One of my students wrote: "Don't eat me! I am an Indian Barbie and I like to dance for everyone!" Also on the good work board you will see some turkeys with numbers on them. On the body of the turkey kids wrote a number between 5 and 8. On the feathers they wrote ways they could make that number. For example; if the number was 7 they could write 5+2 or 6+1...

For Thanksgiving we made pilgrims and then the kids wrote what they were thankful for. To add some technology we used an app called "Morpho". With the app the kids took a picture of their pilgrim and then added some 3D elements. They then recorded their voice and their pilgrim talked. It was a really cute project and I have to give a shout out to our Technology expert Alanna! She is awesome and helped us with the project!
We are working on some December projects now and I will show those a little later! We did a reindeer project with non-fiction text for reading and wrote reindeer facts. Hopefully we will be back at school soon so we can do some more projects! There is a Grinch project, snow globe project, gingerbread stuff and some Polar Express things in the works. The kids love it when we get to do fun activities!
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