Day 8 Recap
Today we spent our last day in Washington DC before hitting the road again. First of all, we totally figured out the subway system. It is really not that hard. I used their website to help us figure out what stops to get off at and if we needed to switch trains. I really felt like a local by the end of the day!
Our first stop of the day was the Lincoln Memorial. We were out of the house by 8:30 this morning and by the time we reached the Lincoln Memorial we were drenched in sweat. I was a lovely 95 degree day but it felt like 106! We all know that if it gets that hot in Texas that we need to 1. stay inside or 2. be in a pool. Well, we didn't have that luxury today because we had so much to see!!
After the Lincoln Memorial we walked over to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.
We then made our way to the Korean War Memorial. This one was pretty neat because the soldiers looked like they were in the forests of Korea.
After the Korean War memorial we hiked our way to the Martin Luther King memorial. This one was beautifully made but man was it hot and sunny!!
This is the Jefferson Memorial. We thought it was just too far to walk to... we were wrong. We made it there!
Before getting to the Jefferson Memorial we stopped at the FDR memorial. We were really hot by this time! There is a gift shop here that BLASTS cold air and has a fan. Thank goodness it did! We never would have made it without that pick-me-up!
Beautiful view of the Washington Monument.
We made it to the Jefferson Memorial!!
For lunch, we ate at the Old Ebbitt Grill. You can make reservations online and I would highly recommend doing so if you are going to eat here. It is right by the White House and dates back to 1856. On Saturdays and Sundays they serve brunch until 4:00. We ate at 1:00. It was so good.
Chicken Fried Pork with eggs and cornbread. It was so good!!
After lunch we made our way to the White House!!!! It was a beautiful day with mostly clear skies.
So bright!!
Statue and the White House and the Washington Monument in the back!! BEAUTIFUL day!We then made our way over to the Smithsonians. We needed to escape the heat. We went into the American History one and saw Dorothy's shoes and the Count from Sesame Street. We then went to the Art Museum. Celeste went to the Air and Space Museum while Natalie and I went back to the house to get some packing done. Everyone had a great day!
We had such a great time in Washington DC. Our feet hurt, 2 of us are sunburned, there are some blisters but we did just about everything we came here to do! Check back tomorrow to see where we end up!
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