I know it is going to take more than 3 hours to really reflect on this epic road trip that I took but I am going to try to reflect on some of the top moments from the last 3 weeks. Twenty days is a lot of time to be gone and to be with the same person. I already miss my travel buddy! There were so many amazing moments and the United States is a beautiful place! One of the things that I liked about the trip was that we spent a little time in each place - just enough to get a good taste of the state. One of the things I didn't like about the trip was that we only got a little bit of time in each place! Celeste and I both said many times "Next time we come we will...." which is a good thing because some day we will return to those places. I guess that is the good thing about only being 29! We are still young enough to be able to go back to a place. I was going to try to only pick the top 10 things from the trip, but it came to 13.
12. Wizard of Oz stuff in Liberal, Kansas - This was a first of many funny memories. Our Dorothy made this experience what it was.
11. Hershey, Pennsylvania - Who doesn't love chocolate?? This was a fun city to stay in and explore. We learned how the famous chocolate bars are made and took in a 4D movie. There were "characters" to take pictures with. Fun memories!
10. North Canton, Ohio - I loved seeing my family. My grandpa took us to lunch and ice cream and then showed us a war memorial. I was so glad to get to see old pictures of my mom. They are memories that will last a life time. I also did some manual labor for my 91 year old Great Aunt!
8. Wyoming - We were only in this state to drive through and see the capitol but it is a BEAUTIFUL place! I really want to go back some day! The downtown area of Cheyenne was really cool and looked like an old west movie. I want to visit Yellowstone National Park one day. We drove through farms and ranches and even got to see a beautiful rainbow! The welcome center was also really neat!
7. Postcard Challenge! I had so much fun with this game! It was fun to try to find a postcard from each place and then it was fun to see who would guess it correctly! Thank you to all my friends/family for playing during the trip. It will live on in future trips! I hope others will adopt it; I would love to play!
6. Rocky Mountains - We got to see snow/ice in July! One of my favorite memories was drinking hot chocolate 2 miles above sea level with snow on the ground.
5. Mt. Rushmore - I've been wanting to visit for at least 4 years now and I can finally cross it off my list. It is a very moving place to visit. My favorite part was the lighting ceremony where they call service men and women up and they lower the flag. Such a beautiful tribute to the men and women defending our freedom. It makes you really appreciate how lucky we are to live in the United States of America.
3. Niagara Falls - Being in a different country was so much fun! Walking around the city was amazing and the weather was perfect. The Maid of the Mist was wonderful. Eating Beaver Tails for dinner was fun. The best part was seeing history with the Falls being illuminated Blue for the Royal birth of Prince George.
2. Capitol Buildings! I am so excited that I am now more than half way through with my goal of seeing all 50 capitols. It is one way to honor my mom and try to complete her dream of seeing all 50 state capitols. I only hope that she is with me in some way when I visit. I don't have enough space for all 13 capitol pictures but you can look at my past blogs if you want to see them.
And my number one memory from the trip would be:
1. Seeing it all with my Best Friend! So many great memories! I can not imagine going on a road trip for so long with anyone else. I thank God that you are in my life. "My Buddy!" Here are just a few memories from the trip:
Now to find out what the next adventure will be.... :) Just Kidding! I'm taking a break from traveling for a little bit. Check back for other random things that go on in my life! Leave a comment! Where should I go next??
Your number one brings tears to my eyes. The feeling is mutual- I think God that He put you in my life as well. My buddy, you're the best! Hooray for forever memories.