Days 15 and 16
Sorry for the lack of a post yesterday! I was in North Canton, OH visiting my grandpa who is turning 87 on Friday. He does not own a computer which means he has no use for WiFi. So, today you will get 2 days worth of information!
Day 15: North Canton, OH
Our day started by saying goodbye to Greg and Becky. We had the best time with them and it was sad to go. Becky made this amazing Gorilla Bread. I could have eaten the whole thing! Yummo! We had about a 2 hour drive to my grandpa's house. We made good time. Once there, we left to get my Aunt Helen for a senior dinner (we ate at 3:00). My Aunt Helen is really my Great-Aunt Helen and she is 91 years old! She lives by herself in Ohio. When I got to her house I was put to work. A bush in her backyard needed clipping. Celeste was so kind to take the following pictures:
Celeste did bring out the ladder to get the last few branches. It was nice of her to help a girl out. We then left for Belgrade Gardens which is famous for their fried chicken. It was established in 1933. A family of 4 could eat dinner for $2 back then. My grandpa and Aunt Helen could remember going to that chicken place when they were kids. Chicken was not rationed during World War 2 so they could enjoy it without their food stamps.
After a great lunch we went back to North Canton and took a nap! It was raining and gloomy outside... PERFECT weather for a nap. After waking up we left for Milk and Honey. This is my favorite Ice Cream Sundae place of all time! There are so many wonderful memories from my childhood at this place. I always get a Rocky Mountain Sundae.

We then took a ride around town and saw the Hoover factory. My grandpa took us to this War Memorial across the street. The picture above is from that wonderful memorial.
He surprised me by showing me a brick in his honor.
After our drive around time we ended the evening by looking at old slides with my grandpa. I got to see old pictures of my mom as a child. We even saw prom pictures! It was a great visit.
Day 16
This morning started with my grandpa fixing us bacon and eggs for breakfast with toast and homemade blackberry jam. We then left for Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada! I had never been to Canada!! We first had to go through Pennsylvania. We could not find a sign so the side of the building would have to do.

We wanted to avoid toll roads so we got off the major highway and took NY highway 20. We finally found a sign!!! We had to pull into a driveway so we could safely take our pictures. We were only snapping pictures for about 2 minutes when the owners of the house got home. Ooops! The woman was soooo nice! She offered to take our picture! She said it happens often and she doesn't mind. How nice! We never get state sign pictures together. We were so thankful.
Driving through New York was so much fun. We were going through very small towns but each was very historic. One was even founded in the early 1800s. When we were almost to Buffalo, NY we found Lake Erie!
After about 5 hours of driving we went across the Peace Bridge and got stuck for over an hour! It was crazy busy trying to get into Canada. So frustrating! But... we made it! I quickly found out that I had to drive in Kilometers. It was a fun adventure getting to Niagara Falls. I think Celeste and I might be getting a little cabin fever... we were laughing at everything! So lucky to have such a great friend to spend all this time with.
Our first stop after checking into the hotel was Maid of the Mist. EVERYONE that we talked to about Niagara Falls told us to do this boat ride. Of course we had to! Here are a bunch of pictures from our journey to Horseshoe Falls. It was incredible!
After getting wet we were ready for some dinner. Hmmm.... we are still on vacation for a few more days so why not eat dessert for dinner? We got us some tasty Beaver Tails!! I got the triple peanut butter one and a smoothie. The Beaver Tail was so good! I can't even describe it. Totally worth the walk uphill.
Here is my Beaver Tail dessert/dinner
We were strolling around and found a beautiful park with this fountain. The park with the walking path is behind the fountain with all those tall trees. (Celeste is running in the morning so look for her blog tomorrow!
We then took pictures with the Falls at night! It was so beautiful and peaceful. I was just trying to soak it all up. We took TONS of pictures of this falling water. You can never have enough!
At the end of the day they light up the falls. We waited until they did this and then we left for our hotel. Oh, did I tell you they upgraded us for FREE and we have a falls view? How lucky are we??
Oh, I almost forgot! Did you know Kate Middleton had her baby today? It's a boy in case you live under a rock. That's it for today. Check back tomorrow for another new day and location. Thanks for reading!
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