Sunday, May 31, 2015

Capitol Mission

Hello everyone! It is that time again that I start blogging. It is much easier to blog in the summer! I have been busy with my class, family, friends, and trip planning so I haven't had time to blog lately. I'm finishing up last details for the summer road trip that is going on in July and the beginning of August. Many friends have asked where we are going this year! Well... I can't tell you everywhere otherwise our Postcard Challenge game won't be fun! I can tell you that we are going East and then going North! This trip will take us through 23 states, 1 district and 15 capitols!! After this summer I will have only 9 capitol buildings to get to.

My mom will have passed away 3 years ago on June 26. I can't believe how many capitols I have already seen since her passing. I can still remember talking to her during chemo about the capitols and her telling me "the United States is so unique and each state has such rich history." From what I have seen already she was spot on! Unfortunately she was unable to make it to all 50 (51 if you include DC) capitols before Breast Cancer stole her life. I can't wait to accomplish her dream for her and fulfill my promise.

So, where do you think we are going? Follow me as 2 of my greatest friends and I travel about 4,500 miles this summer. I can't wait to meet new people, try new foods, see new places and of course see the capitols of 14 states and the US capitol!